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Top Ten Tips to Become a Better Blogger

Make The Headline Grab The Reader's Attention 

Become a better blogger - Very few readers will ever bother to read a post whose headline doesn't entice them in some way, either by promising them a benefit for themselves or arousing their curiosity. Make your headlines attention grabbers that stop your readers dead in their tracks and make them want to find out more.

Make The Layout Clear And Easy To Read
Readers are likely to skim through your post, therefore it is pleasing to your readers to see bullet points and numbers like this article. Make your paragraphs short, which is more appealing to the eyes. Write for effect, not for an English test.
Write Like You Are Talking To Your Friends
Not everyone has the talents of a writer, but nearly everyone is capable of writing clearly. Do not try to impress you reader how eloquent you can be. He might be overwhelmed by the exuberance of your verbosity. If you're not a gifted writer, it's no big deal. One of the great characteristics of blogging is that it's a personal medium of communication.
Know Clearly What You Want To Communicate
A writing coach wrote, "Tell people what you're going to say, say it, then tell them what you just said." To become a better blogger you need to ask yourself the simple question, "What's the story about?" If you can't answer easily, your reader might have problems too.
Keep It Short And Sweet Don't be lead astray in the length of your posts. They don't have to be long. They can be succinct thoughts or highlights of news regarding your niche. The important thing is to make them interesting. For the purposes of a better blogger, short and simple usually works best.
Let Your Personality Stands Out
Don't be a copy cat. Let your voice shine through. Give your blog your very own unique personality. Be yourself and let the world know the real you. Just focus on writing good content. Don't be influenced by a constant sales pitch. If you have good content, people will click to learn more about you and if you are genuine, people will like it.
Love And Enjoy What You Do
On becoming a better blogger, your topics need to be sustainable and something you are interested in so it does not become a chore to post. It is advisable to make your blog related to your niche. People will come back if you blog on a topic they are interested in. If necessary, have separate blogs for separate topics so you can maintain a niche audience.
Organize Your Points
Organize the points you want to make as subheadings or bullet points. This type of outlining will enable you to organize your thoughts sequentially. It will not work perfectly in all cases, for example when you are telling a story. But it's much easier to write when your thoughts are organized in a series of short presentation points.
Encourage Your Readers To Comment
Make provision for comments. they create the viral effect by allowing your readers to interact with you. You will also want to research and comment on relevant industry related blogs. Make it a practice to encourage comments from readers and answer any queries.
Make Your Post Asks For Some Action.
This is probably the most overlooked part of writing an effective post. It must be absolutely clear what is the next move you want your reader to make.
Adrian Tea Brown the savvy online entrepreneur who use failures as stepping-stones to his freedom and success.
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